With nearly every feature you can think of, as well as dedicated staff and an active support team, OP Bot is the perfect addition to any Discord server. Scroll down to learn more . . .
The below statistics are fetched live from a custom API, and are here to demonstrate the scale of this project.
combined total of every user who shares a server with OP Bot
total number of servers OP Bot is in
total number of commands OP Bot has
Percentage of growth OP Bot has
total number of channels connected to
total number of users that are blacklisted
Add BotName to your server to get all the following features and more!
The giveaways alloows you to choose a bonus entry(extra chances to win) while making giveaways
We have akinator, chaos words, shuffle guess, guess the pokemon and global chat
OP Bot has an extensive list of moderation commands and functions for helping you keep your server the way you want it to be.
OP Bot has many usefull commands that can vastly improve the user experience.